Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Even More Latin And Even More Piano!

I know, I bet your like, "dude, you must practice piano every day," again.  But, I know you are like, "more Latin more Latin............ YAY!"  Because we ARE doing Latin today.  "YAY"!  Me too.  I guess.  HERE WE GO AGAIN!  Erro: I wander.  Sto: I wander.  Paro: I prepare.  Specto: I look at.  Sum: I am.  Ancilla: Maid-servant.  Gloria (I bet you know this one.): Glory.  Ira: Anger.  Unda: Wave.  Fenestra: Window.  BORING!  I bet you are like for piano, but I learned the Coconut Shuffle.  I bet you like, "sounds weird, but I do like to shuffle!"  Man, some people are weird.  There like, "I created a song called The Song.  Heres how it go's!  I created a song called The Song, gnoS ehT dellac gnos a detaerc I!  I created a song called The Song, by the way this is a riddle song!  I created a song called The Song, gnoS ehT dellac gnos a detaerc I!  Do you have the riddle yet?  I'm guessing no.  I created a song called The Song, gonS ehT dellac gnos a detaerc I!  TADA!"  (Answers at the bottom)  Am I right or am I right?

I hope you enjoyed my blog post, bye!

 Every thing is backwards for I created a song called The Song!