Friday, January 24, 2014

More Of Batman The Girl

I want more Latin!  TO BAD! WE ARE DOING MORE OF BATMAN THE GIRL!  I want more Latin!  NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!  Well then I'm boring what ever.  Where was I?  Oh yes.  She wasn't entertained when Batman came to save her mom.  She was really really really really really entertained when Batman accidentally put her dad in prison.  That was a nice story, it will be (To Be Continued...)  Hmm, what is this?  Oh, it's a candy cane!  (touches) ZAPPPP!

Hope you enjoyed my blog post, BYE YOU FILTHY ANIMAL!                         BYE YOU                    BYE                   ANIMAL                             TECHNICAL DIFFICULTY!!!  FILTHY BYE ANIMAL YOU!!!