"Ah, can't wait for New
Year’s! It will be 2015!" cheered Joseph, waving his hands in the
air. " I sort of can wait... except for the party games, that
is what I can't wait for," Brandon replied. "Well, I think it
is pretty cool that your family gets to do a craft. I do like the
idea of making these 2015 party hats," Joseph exclaimed, while
folding the last fold of his New Year’s hat. "Look, Brandon! I
am finished my hat!" beamed Joseph, holding the hat in the
air. "Pssh, I don't care! All I care about is being a team
captain for every party game!" grumbled Brandon, knocking the hat on the
ground. Frowning, while picking up his hat Joseph replied, " Brandon,
I don't think you'll be a team captain for every game. If anything, you
would be a team captain once. However, I
don't want to be a team captain for any games, so I will let you take my
place." "Thanks!" smiled Brandon, holding his hand out for
Joseph to shake it. "No problem!" chimed Joseph, shaking
Brandon's hand and putting on his New Years hat.